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Kunsthaus Bregenz Kulturausflug mit der K1g

Wir besuchten mit unserem Klassenvorstand Frau Rosenberg die Andy Warhol-Ausstellung die 20 Sendungen in amerikanischem Englisch umfasst.

Andy Warhol (1928-1987) is one of the most influential 20th-century artists whose impact is still with us today. With his technique of serial silkscreen printing in the 1960s he turned the work of art into the perfect mass product, opening-as author and protagonist-the art world to celebrity culture and relativizing the border between high art and mass art as no other artist has done. In addition to his reproductions of the star system in silkscreen prints, photographs, and films, Warhol consistently staged his own person as a living art work.

Andy Warhol-Fifteen Minutes of Fame will present a representative selection from this less-known complex of Warhol's works, thus resuming the KUB Arena's engagement with the visual arts at their edges. The exhibition title is based on Warhol's famous remark of 1968: "In the future, everybody will be world-famous for fifteen minutes," which set the tone for his last, five-part TV production Fifteen Minutes. Etienne Descloux and Oda Pälmke of the Berlin architectural practice PE-P will be designing a special exhibition architecture for this presentation of Andy Warhol's TV works.

 Im ersten bis dritten Stockwerk sahen wir die Ausstellung 'Liebe ist kälter als das Kapital. Eine Ausstellung über den Wert der Gefühle. Es ist eine Gruppenausstellung mit 15 verschiedenen Positionen zum Thema Gefühle und Ökonomie. Es ist eine sehr interessante und vielseitige Schau - zu sehen waren Bilder, Installationen, Filme und Skulpturen.