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32 angehende LehramtsstudentInnen der MIAMI University in Lochau

Von 14. bis 17. Mai 2013 waren 32 angehende LehramtsstudentInnen der MIAMI University, Ohio mir ihren zwei Professoren auf Bildungsreise in Vorarlberg. Neben Schul- und Unterrichtsbesuchen im Gymnasium Blumenstraße und der Volksschule Lochau waren sie auch an der Landerberufsschule Lochau.
Hier einige Eindrücke der StudentInnen:

Hi! My name is Danielle Byrne and I was a part of the group of American students from Miami University. I want to thank you so much for not only being our main contact and source of information, but for also opening up your school to us! Your students were amazing and I learned so much from observing and our in-class session at your school. I hope you have a great rest of your school year and thank you again!
Danielle Byrne

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for letting us into your school. It was an unforgettable learning experience and very beneficial to my education. I was able to make amazing memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I also enjoyed interacting with your students. They were a delight!
Thank you again! I appreciate everything you did for us!
Sara Rossman

I would just like to thank you for welcoming me and the rest of my Miami peers into your schools and classrooms while we were abroad. I have learned so much through my observations and this experience will certainly have a positive effect on my future teaching. Also, thank you for the wonderful dinner - it was delicious!

Thanks again, Carly Turk School of Education, Health, and Society | Early Childhood Education Major | Special Education Minor | TELL Certification Kappa Delta Pi | International Honor Society in Eduction Miami University | Class of 2014 216-990-3917


Thank you very much for opening up your school to my colleagues and I. I have learned so much from my experiences in Europe and I believe that this trip has helped me to become a better educator in the future. Sincerely,
Briana Marsh

My name is Holly Jeric, and I am one of the Miami University students who visited your school last month. I just wanted to extend my appreciation to you for the wonderful opportunity! I was very impressed with your school and your students. I loved talking to them and seeing their craft firsthand when they made lunch for us. It is one of my fondest memories from the trip (and some of the best food I have ever tasted)!


Thank you, and I hope you have a beautiful summer. Sincerely, Holly Jeric